airport express

June 8, 2004

I’m not sure whether the AirPort Express is totally cool or just sort of mildly interesting. For the most part, $130 is too much for the use I’d expect to be able to get: I imagine I’d use it to turn a wired connection into a wireless one in situations where I’m a guest somewhere: someone else’s house or a hotel. Neither seems very likely. Those friends to whose houses I’d bring a laptop probably have 802.11, and at a hotel I’m probably fine with an ethernet cable. Most hotels I’ve been to don’t have reasonable internet, anyway.

lazy day

June 8, 2004

I took today off, as a kind of make-up Memorial Day. Gloria and I mostly relaxed. We watched The Guru, which was pretty darn funny, and six (!) episodes of Farscape. I felt a little Farscaped out before the last two, but they were Really Good episodes, so I’m glad we pressed on. Only two more to go and we’ll be through the first season!


June 6, 2004

The flight home was actually not bad at all, except for the too-small seat. I watched the second half of the The Office special, and it was very good. I watched Starsky and Hutch, and it a lot funnier than I’d expected. I watched part of The Demonic Ape, a documentary about chimpanzee violence, until the entertainment system was turned off. It was good, too. I played a bunch of Mario and Luigi, completing the beanstar and levelling up a few times. I’m afraid it will soon be coming to and end, though.

in flight entertainment

June 5, 2004

I’m in seat 45B on this 747. In case you don’t fly much, that means that I’m neither at the window nor on the aisle. Despite that, it’s alright. I’m between two small and quiet people, and there’s nary a screaming baby in sight. I’m feeling quite awake, and I’ve had a half liter of Red Bull so far today, with another 250 mL in my bag just in case I start to drift. I think I’m going to be fine, though, getting back into US time.

wasting time

June 5, 2004

My flight is at 1600 today, so I’m trying to kill time until I go over to Heathrow. I started by staying up late. I wanted to be up until 0400, but I only made it to 0300. I slept in until around 1000 and then stayed in bed for another hour before getting up and getting out. Checkout was really crazy, so I’m hoping that it doesn’t mean a lot of people are leaving London, at least on my flight. I’m not really hopeful.

omnioutliner requests

June 4, 2004

I’m sure the OmniOutliner guys read my journal, so I’m going to note some requests here.

back on track

June 4, 2004

We fell horribly behind yesterday, but today we caught up. I think that our coverage of one or two topics will be well below what I wanted, but I think we’ll do alright. I’ve even had time to meet with a few other people with whom I had some business. So, I guess I may color this trip a success. That’s good, because if I had to do all this travelling and miss out on National Hot Dog Day just for a failed set of meetings, I would be pretty irked.

falling behind

June 3, 2004

I’ll be brief, since it’s quite late, here.

omg stella

June 2, 2004

In late 2002, when hanging out with Matt and Rahm, Cardiff co-workers, I was told that Stella Artois messes you up faster than other beers, and for know clear reason. This is so true. I’ve had two pints tonight, and I feel like I’ve had four bourbons.

i survived monday

June 1, 2004

I have survived Monday. It is now Tuesday, just barely. I’m not really tired enough to sleep, yet, but I will be soon. I’ve been watching Total Recall, which is really a much better movie the first time than the fifteenth. It’s amusing how someone can be so traumatized by (mild) lack of pressure that his eyes bug out, but seconds later feel just fine. He doesn’t even have bloodshot eyes. That’s my kind of planetary trauma!