omg stella

June 2, 2004

In late 2002, when hanging out with Matt and Rahm, Cardiff co-workers, I was told that Stella Artois messes you up faster than other beers, and for know clear reason. This is so true. I’ve had two pints tonight, and I feel like I’ve had four bourbons.

i survived monday

June 1, 2004

I have survived Monday. It is now Tuesday, just barely. I’m not really tired enough to sleep, yet, but I will be soon. I’ve been watching Total Recall, which is really a much better movie the first time than the fifteenth. It’s amusing how someone can be so traumatized by (mild) lack of pressure that his eyes bug out, but seconds later feel just fine. He doesn’t even have bloodshot eyes. That’s my kind of planetary trauma!


May 31, 2004

I had been using an application called to keep a calendar in iCal updated with the birthdays in my Address Book. I figured this would be a nice application to replace in my attempt to make more non-Free software obsolete. (I know, I know, as long as it requires iCal…)

sunrise, sunset

May 31, 2004

I forgot how long the days can be, here! Morning twilight begins at 0415 and evening twilight ends at 2205. In Bethlehem it’s 0500 to 2100. I was sitting outside waiting for Godfrey last night, and it was still bright enough to read comfortably. This morning I woke up and saw that it was nearly full daylight. Scrambling to read the clock, I found it was 0500. (I did manage to get back to sleep, thankfully.)

this sucks

May 31, 2004

I’m at work, in the UK office. I am the only IT person here. I’m the only IT person in either office: it’s Memorial Day in the states and the spring bank holiday here. There are non-IT people here, but none of the people I need to talk to. I’m trying to do work things, but it’s so hard to concentrate. If I was in the US, I’d be asleep. Later, I’d be eating something suitably Memorial Day-a-licious, like corn and hot dogs. And I’d be hanging out with Gloria, relaxing on the sofa, possibly watching Farscape or Good Eats or something.

keeping busy

May 31, 2004

I got in around 1300 or so, after two hours of fitful sleep on the train. My room isn’t in the usual hallway. I’m two stories up, just over the hotel’s flagpole. I can open the window and watch the Welsh dragon blow in the breeze, if, for some reason, I feel the need. The room is smaller than usual, but it’s big enough to hold my things and give me a place to sleep. So.

exile begins

May 30, 2004

I’m on the 11:00 train to Swansea (via Newport, my stop). The trip here was no worse than usual, I guess.

ical glue trouble

May 29, 2004

Why does this work: <pre> tell application “iCal”

  tell last calendar
make new event at end with properties {summary:"foo"}
end tell

gluing my life together

May 29, 2004

I did a bunch of AppleScripting today, making me both like and dislike AppleScript more than ever. It reminds me of OLE and VBA in a lot of ways. The fact that so much stuff is scriptable is great. The underlying models are often not awful, and it’s easy to do easy stuff. The problem isn’t (always) the object models, but the language. Just like VBA, AppleScript sucks. I think it sucks differently, but it sucks nonetheless. It makes it easy to dismiss scripting of applications, in fact, which is sad.

moving day

May 28, 2004

Today, I helped Brian move. Gloria and I slept in until around 0730. I relaxed a little and played some Mario vs DK. Gloria made me an egg and toast, which was a nice start. Around 0900, she gave me a lift to Brian’s, and soon I was movin’ stuff. I was surprised at how much stuff there was to move. Brian had promised that all the little stuff would be moved, and this was almost entirely true. Mostly, we moved beds, shelving units, tables, and desks. There were just a lot! In fact, every time I thought we were done, it was revealed that more stuff was somewhere else. After the house’s two floors were empty, someone told us that there was stuff over the garage. When that was done, there was stuff in the basement. Once the last big load was loaded into the truck, Cindy (Brian’s wife) showed up with some pizza and beer, and I ate too much. Once that load was unlaoded at Brian’s new place, I came home. I was just beat and filthy and needed to be done.