the city of broad shoulders

July 25, 2004

I’m laid over in Chicago. I got into the airport just under an hour ago, and the gate for my next flight was directly across from my point of entry. I looked for something to eat, and the shortest line was to Uno’s. I would have been willing to stand in line longer for something better, but everything seemed pretty fatty, so I ate my tiny pizza and did my best to enjoy it. I like Uno’s crusts, and I’ve never quite understood how to describe it. It’s not quite flaky, it’s sort of powdery. But that sounds awful, and it isn’t awful.

oscon: day zero

July 25, 2004  🐪

I’m in that annoying state where I’m ready to leave, but it just isn’t time to go yet. We’ll be heading out in about 45 minutes to go pick up a few last things from my office and then head to the PHL airport. “We” are John C and me. John came to town to hang out, drink some beers, and give me a lift to the airport. Awesome.


July 16, 2004  🐪

A lot has happened since I wrote last, at the pace of about one thing per day. If I’d been making entries every day, this wouldn’t be such a chore, but I haven’t so it is. I need to get this stuff written down, before I forget it all, but it’s harder and harder to make entries as I buffer more and more material to put in them.

$insult += $injury

July 7, 2004

I decided that rather than sit around on my butt, I should to try to get some fresh air and go cycling. So, I went out and rode over toward Allentown. I thought about picking up a botle of vermouth, but I’d left my Timbuk2 at home.

feeling low

July 6, 2004

I can’t get into specifics because the information is still somewhat confidential. I’ll post details in a few days. For now, I will say this: a co-worker of mine, whom I considered a friend, has left the company. On his way out, he sent a nastygram claiming that my work was going to be the ruin of the company.

independence day, inform, and introcomp

July 6, 2004

Yesterday was pretty good, but not very holidayriffic. We mostly hung out, went to the mall, watched some TV, and relaxed. We took my mom to Perkin’s for pie, and my pie (apple caramel pie) was good. I had ice cream, too. We had some corn dogs for dinner, and they were tasty.

saturday in brief

July 4, 2004

I slept until around 0900, and then we relaxed for a while. Gloria read the paper, I read some news, and we just chilled out. Around 1100 we headed out for some breakfast, and decided to try breakfast at the Retro. It was pretty mediocre. I could’ve made the same myself, and there would’ve been at least one fewer crazy guy standing around asking whether anybody had ever made lasagna.

tolerance, useperl, holiday

July 1, 2004  🐪

I just finished talking with pudge, who diagnosed the problem I was having posting to; I think I may try to rewrite the WWW::UsePerl implementation in SOAP. I think it’ll just be simpler. Maybe.