picking a new phone

April 30, 2005

My job has provided me with a phone for the past few years. It’s sort of a piece of crap. It’s a Motorola i90c, one of the Nextel PTT phones. It’s gigantic and has a really lousy set of features, like most of the Nextel phones. It has a lousy calendar and lousy memopad. It has a stupid Java environment and a stupid little set of network services.

cavy castration!?

April 29, 2005

About a week ago, I gave up all hope that our baby guinea pig was a girl. We named him Doctor Girlfriend, anyway.

the wedding in florida

April 29, 2005  ✈️

Jen and Frank’s wedding was really nice. It was on a warm, super-windy beach in Pensacola. The ceremony was really short, but pleasant, fun, and relaxed. The groomsmen all wore Hawaiian shirts and the bridesmaids were all barefoot. It was nice.

changing jobs!

April 29, 2005

Well, after about four and a half years, I am leaving IQE. That’s a pretty impressive stint, I think, for a job I started as a temp. I was hired to make Excel charts, and I ended up sticking around to write a lot of Perl. I had a lot of good time and a lot of bad times, but finally I just needed to get out of there. I think my enthusiasm was gradually ground down to a point from which I’m not sure it could’ve recovered, and I feel that’s it’s better for me to go, now, than to try and stay.

habemus papam

April 20, 2005

Today, the Church got a new pope. I’m waiting to see how it goes. I’m all for orthodoxy, but I know there’s a lot of grumbling over the supression of free thought over the last twenty years. (Or, as the Church calls it, “heresy.”)

knave lives!

April 14, 2005  🍏 ⚙️

Once I had proven that my laptop would boot and basically run, I ejected the DVD that I’d managed to cram through the misaligned loading slot. It had a tiny crack in it, which I’m sure it got from being jammed in and pried out. This was madness! I wasn’t going to go for a year with a disc-breaking optical drive!

powerbook repair a qualified success

April 14, 2005  🍏 ⚙️

Last night, my laptop starting making its weird noises again. This morning, they had gone from “weird,” past “awful,” right to “unholy.” It was like there was a duck or bicycle horn inside my computer, making noise that I didn’t think a hard drive could make.

using google maps to balance my checkbook

April 12, 2005

Sometimes, a transaction shows up in my online bank statement that I can’t identify. This is nearly always because it shows up as an address instead of a business name. Most credit charges show up by name, but debit charges sometimes just say “1234 Street Drive.”

choosing my poison: sqlite problems

April 12, 2005  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻 📕

I really, really like DBD::SQLite, but I wish it didn’t have such irritating little quirks. I’m not sure how much of the problem is SQLite and how much is DBD::SQLite, but it drives me batty. Here’s today’s example: