omg stella

In late 2002, when hanging out with Matt and Rahm, Cardiff co-workers, I was told that Stella Artois messes you up faster than other beers, and for know clear reason. This is so true. I’ve had two pints tonight, and I feel like I’ve had four bourbons.

So, I won’t be long, here. Godfrey and I hit La Fosse, and it was delicious. We had some calimari, which were alright, and a “rack of new season Welsh lamb,” which was just great. Godfrey’s lamb was a bit rarer than he had wanted, but mine was just as I’d wanted, and it was quite tasty. The flavor was mild but quite good. I also imbibed the two aforementioned pints.

We’re about to play a bit of … well, something. Empire Earth, maybe. After that, bed.

Gloria wrote, today: “Who would’ve every thought I’d spend hours absorbed in an O’Reilly book because of yoga?” Yeah. She is so the girl for me!

Written on June 2, 2004