itunes must die

April 25, 2006

At first, I wrote this introduction to this entry:

subethaedit gets zotted

April 25, 2006  💾

I’ve been using a SubEthaEdit from CodingMonkeys since it was Hydra. I basically can’t deal with it as a full-time editor, but for things like brainstorming and some forms of pairing, it’s totally fantastic. I can /msg my coworkers about some upcoming software, and once it’s clear that we’d rather be writing tests than talking about design, I can fire up SEE and paste around a URL. Everybody drops into the file, and we write tests and comments and maybe even documentation until we’re all tired of it, and we end up with a document that we can all work against to Get Things Done.

refactoring sub::install

April 21, 2006  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

I’ve been doing some reworking in the guts of Sub::Install, trying to steal good ideas from Sub::Define and to implement some of the ideas that came out of discussions with its author, Johan Lodin. Several of these deal with warning handling, which has led me to produce this little routine. I’m finding that I really like it:

my second ipod

April 19, 2006

So, apparently there was some kind of controvery with the earlier iPods’ battery life. Apple advertised eight hours and they only lasted six, or something like that. Maybe the battery replacement plan fitted in. All I really know is that I got a class action form, filled it out, and then got a gift coupon. It was for $50 on Apple branded hardware from an Apple outlet.

angry emails and api breakage

April 17, 2006  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

I did some overhauling to a module a few months ago. I added a new interface to it, and left the old one in with a deprecation warning. After a little while, the original author uploaded a new release that totally removed the old interface. Within a day or two I’d received comments on IRC and via email. They were all something like, “The new interface is definitely better, but I had code using the old one!”


April 15, 2006  💾

This looks sort of neat: it lets you build automator-like actions and assign them to different kinds of triggers like keypresses or mouse gestures. I’m afraid that it will lack the ability to usefully script things I want to do, that it won’t talk to Growl, and that it will stagnate when it’s abandoned and its source is never released.

google calendar

April 14, 2006  💾

Someone I know wrote something like this in his blog, this week:

my next laptop

April 13, 2006  🍏 ⚙️

I bought my current laptop just before OSCON ‘03, and my plan was to keep it for three years. That was the deprecation schedule for laptops at IQE, as I recall, and it seemed like a reasonable number to latch on to. That time is quickly approaching, and isn’t it just my luck that the kind of hardware I’m likely to want isn’t currently on the market, exactly.

brik software - unplugged

April 7, 2006  💾

This neat little application keeps track of your power status on your Mac. If you disconnect or reconnect your power, it tells you about it with Growl. Since my laptop AC adaptor doesn’t have a little ring of light on it, sometimes I lose power without noticing. This makes sure I notice.

death to filehandles

April 5, 2006  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻 🤤

Adam has a module called Params::Util. It provides a bunch of routines that let you say something like “is this value an X value?” X might be “array” or “valid identifier” or so on. In general, I don’t put that module to a lot of use. Maybe I should, but I don’t.