
January 3, 2006

Yesterday, Gloria and I went out for a bonus Saturday morning and did our usual Saturday things, taking advantage of my day off. We went to Billy’s, where I got a burger. We went to the Hedgehog, where I got some granola ice cream, and we went to Alan’s, where I didn’t get anything, but Gloria got a cup of tea.

and on top of everything else...

January 2, 2006  🥘

…the bread mix that Gloria picked up, to make our favorite bread-from-a-box, did not have a yeast packet in it. Damnit!

building by bike repair toolbox

December 31, 2005

Among my Christmas presents were a few bike tools. The packages said they were from Santa, but I think my mom actually wrote that – the handwriting looked a lot like hers. Those tools were all Park tools: an FR-5 freewheel tool, a BBT-2 bottom bracket tool, and a CWP-6 crank puller. I was pretty excited to finally have a couple of tools, and a few days later I decided to see how much I remembered from class.

todo for 2005 in review

December 29, 2005

Very late in 2004, I made a list of things to do in 2005. Basically, my new year’s resolutions. Let’s review, shall we?

grumpy on christmas

December 26, 2005

I’m feeling pretty grumpy, which is pretty much the exact opposite of the way I’d like to be feeling around bedtime on Christmas. I blame the Marquis Theater in Easton.

my next itunes scripting project

December 22, 2005  🍏 💾

I think this is one of those things that won’t be so horrible once I get down to it, but I’m putting it off because from the outside it looks obnoxious.

rules of attraction

December 19, 2005

It’s hard to explain what’s so good about Bret Easton Ellis’s books. On one hand, their themes are obvious and extremely blunt. On the other, the execution is subtle and sublime. I’ve read three of his books: American Psycho, Less than Zero, and now Rules of Attraction, in that order. In all of them, though less so in American Psycho, the characters lead pointless lives, revellilng in excess and hedonism. Their lives are so excessive as to be hard to believe, but the exposition of it is so dry that it’s as if nothing is occuring, despite the ongoing orgy of sex, drugs, and (sometimes) murder. Then, in the last few pages, there is – well, not a moment of enlightenment. A character may experience a passing thought, just the shadow of introspection, and the utter meaninglessness of his life is made more apparent than ever, and it’s a crushing force brought to bear on the reader.

cpan testers who shouldn't

December 17, 2005  📚

The CPAN testers are, in general, a crew of kind-hearted people who perform a valuable service for module authors. They run tests for all kinds of modules – even ones that the tester just doesn’t care about. How else would we ever know that XML::Fudge::WithPeanuts doesn’t work on OpenVMS/3.2-cray?

making the switch to svn over dav

December 16, 2005

Well, actually, I don’t plan to switch. I don’t think I have any real need to, although I guess I’ll find out if someday my client starts complaining that I’m able to see or create or modify some file that came in through WebDAV.