yapc day one, part two: the rest of the day

June 28, 2006  🐪

After my talk, I went to Adam’s talk about PITA. I’m really interested in PITA, as I think it will make testing my modules a lot easier. (I know it’s not targeted at people like me, but I’ll accept the rewards anyway.) My major complain about the talk: too much poop. (You had to be there.)

yapc day one: my talk went well

June 26, 2006  🐪

I gave my Sub::Exporter talk, this morning. (I’ll put up my slides soon, once I find a nice way to publish them.) I think it went well. I went over time, but toward the end I just annoucned that I was not going to stop. Some people left and some stuck around. I’m not sure how well it was received in general, but I didn’t feel like I made any huge mistakes, and I got to say everything I wanted to.

yapc, day zero

June 26, 2006  ✈️

John and Gloria and I got waffles this morning. They were good. From there, we started our trip: down to the Philly airport, over to O’Hare, cross town to IIT. This was all pretty standard, with a few ups and downs. As the three of us (John, Dieter, and I) struggled to decide what kind of CTA pass to buy, and how to buy it, a few random tourists on their way out of Chicago stopped and asked us if we wanted their remaining day’s worth of tourist pass. There were three of them, and we said yes. That saved us about $15 and a good bit of time. On the way to our train, I found a phone change return full of quarters. (Yes, I compulsively check them for change, I admit it.)

keynote version numbering and udpates

June 25, 2006  🍏 💾

My MacBook came with iWork, and thus Keynote, installed on it. It was a demo version, so when I bought the full version, I just downloaded a serial number. (I wouldn’t have minded getting a copy of the manuals, but the help has been good enough, so far.)

last entry before yapc

June 25, 2006  🐪 ✈️

Tomorrow begins my trip to YAPC::NA::2006. I’m really looking forward to this year’s YAPC. The talks look exceptionally interesting, and I’m going to be giving on myself. I’ve been spending a lot of time poking at it and poking at the code I’m presenting (Sub::Exporter), deciding what things I feel like trying to show off.

an entry in which rjbs complains about stuff

June 19, 2006

I’m often amused by the fact that my catch phrase at work seems to be, “You know what else I hate?” I don’t think of myself as a big complainer, but I guess I do more than my fair share of it around the office, although I think it’s mostly non-work-related complaining. I mumble under my breath about the latest episode of Lost, or the way that T-Mobile organizes their automated phone menus, or the fact that Bugzilla is completely insane. (Okay, that last one is work-related.)

further avoiding global configuration with per-object classes

June 6, 2006  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

Every time I see a package variable used for configuration, I wince and shake my fist. Despite this, I have a number of modules that use globally-defined plugins. Some of these are usually not a big deal, because the modules are almost always going to be used in programs with one object of the class. Module::Starter and Mail::Audit fall into this group. (I don’t really think this is a good excuse, but it’s a reasonable explanation.)

mail audit and other nightmares

June 4, 2006

I actually did have some bad dreams a few days ago, but I can’t remember what made them so bad. I remember being told that I needed a haircut, but that’s about it – and I doubt that was especially traumautic.

painless postfix on mac os

June 1, 2006

Sometime during the past year I got a few things working on my Mac that really made my life simpler: offlineimap, mutt, and postfix. offlineimap is a Python program for syncing an IMAP store to a set of Maildirs. It works bidirectionally and its installer is simple and just works. (Configuration was a little weird, but even that is very simple.) mutt is my MUA of choice, and its installation is even simpler.