funerals and listbox

July 19, 2006

Last night, I dreamt that while walking around Philadelphia, Dieter and I kept seeing funerals. A few of these were Orthodox Jewish funerals, and there was a lot of caution going on regarding handling the remains. Later on in the day, Dieter suggested that we should go help out some of the many funeral parties, and he said that some nearby Methodist congregation was holding a funeral. I decided that it sounded like a good idea, so we put on long black robes and trundled over to the church, where we saw similarly-robed congregants and a hearse. We offerred to help, and were thanked and asked to wait.

nintendo wi-fi: it's no xbox live

July 18, 2006  🎲

Gloria gave me a lift to work today, which was really pretty awesome of her. I got to work about two hours before I would have, taking the ten o’clock bus. What’s more, when I got home, she gave me a copy of Tetris DS. It’s a pretty great Tetris. It’s full of crazy Nintendo references, has a bunch of good play modes, and is generally pretty cool. I mean, it’s a Nintendo-branded Tetris on a portable Nintendo system. Duh!

big hand on the six

July 17, 2006

Bryan starts today, so I planned to get in early so I’d be around and helpful the whole day. Normally, I catch the ten o’clock bus, which gets me to work about noon. Getting in early requires catching the six thirty bus, which gets me there between eight and eight thirty.

somethingawful hates my wawa!

July 15, 2006

Something Awful ran an article about the national asset database and the things it should include. This included things like the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge (built with steel from Bethlehem), and Wawa. Specifically, “Wawa, Green Lake, PA.”

a reading drought

July 14, 2006

If my wiki’s ReadingQueue page is to be trusted – although it seems broken rght now – I have’t read any books in months. What’s going on? If I count comic books, I’ve read two. That’s hardly a big improvement over nothing, I think.

that guy who sits in front of me

July 14, 2006

There are fourty-four seats on the bus I take to work. There are ten people on the bus. Despite this, like clockwork, That Guy sat in the seat in front of me, put his chair all the way back, and turned around to figure out what his seat-back hat hit. Like clockwork, I moved to another row.

ds lite get

July 5, 2006  🎲 👾

Gloria decided, today, that I am so awesome that I deserve an early birthday present. Who can argue with that kind of reasoning?

testing new code on old perl

July 3, 2006  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

When putting together a slide for YAPC, I felt a little guilty about showing in a slightly uglier light than required, mostly by avoiding the use of “our.” I wrote a little to do for myself, at the time, to see whether Sub::Exporter would even work on an our-less perl. This has been a pain.

yapc day two: the web, the email, and the ugly

June 28, 2006  🐪

Today there were two ugly talks – I don’t mean talks that disgusted. Really, they were just talks that made me wince. Cog talked about Acme modules (Acme::ProgressBar made his list!), and he showed a few modules I hadn’t seen before. Acme::Octarine was amusing. I think the biggest laughs were for Acme::Lingua::NIGERIAN.