third time's the charm?

February 22, 2007

Today, I got my learner’s permit (again). It’s the paperwork I need to have in order to be allowed to drive in the company of someone else, and I need it before I can apply for a driver’s license.

finally released: less piggish email code

February 21, 2007  📧 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

Last week, I finally released the long-ago-announced new versions of Email::Send and Email::MIME, which together greatly reduce the memory used to store an email (and, in effect, to do many other things with PEP). There was one glitch that required a small tweak to Email::MIME’s part-inflating code, but for the most part it went quite well. The only other non-bogus error reports I got were from people who relied on private Email::Simple code, or used code that did so.


February 21, 2007

I am really tired. Last night during my triweekly RPG in Philly, we had some work problems. After the game, I stayed up working on some things that I thought would help prevent similar problems in the future, or that would at least reduce their impact. I crashed on the office sofa, which I’ve done once before. Last time it was dreadful. This time, it was just fine. I think it helped that I had a blanket.

my hand vs. my furnace

January 27, 2007

A few days ago, Gloria picked up a neat little deodorizer that could be attached to the air filter in the furnace. It made the whole house smell like artificial pine trees, which was mostly better than the previous “basement” smell that kicked in when the heater ran. After a while, though, it got overwhelming and we decided to get rid of it.

the cyberpunk 2020 economy

January 1, 2007  🎲 ⚔️

I’ve been re-reading a lot of old CP2020 sourcebooks. It’s sort of a bizarre game. The rules are really complicated, in my opinion, and the setting is the most obvious parts of Gibsonian cyberpunk turned up to eleven.

yet another trek-bashing entry

December 19, 2006

In “Doctor’s Orders,” Enterprise has to cross through a giant Crazy Cloud (actually, they call it Reconfigured Space, which is just about as silly). Humans who are conscious will suffer brain damage, so Phlox puts them all into comas. He and T’Pol take care of the ship while it goes through the cloud.

notes from today

December 19, 2006  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

Today has been a weird day, full of all kinds of stuff.

more enterprise plots

December 18, 2006

In the last few episodes I’ve seen travel into the past to stop an alien plot (see also DS9 in the 60’s and TNG in 1849). There was an alternate future that undid itself by the end of the episode (see also innumerable episodes of TNG), and a few others. Now we’re back to social commentary: a group of religious zealots intent on eliminating the heretics on their homeworld (“they think the world took one day longer to create than we do”) sieze control of Enterprise by setting up a group of suicide bombers around the ship. Meanwhile, Phlox and Archer learn of dissent in the ranks when one of the women in the group wants to have a space abortion.