turbotax: dead to me

January 9, 2008  🔐 🤤

I’ve been working on changing the way my mailflow works, mostly so that I can benefit from the work that I do at Pobox. In order to get rid of some of my old email addresses, I’ve been updating a lot of user accounts and list subscriptions. Today, as I’ve started to get tax documents, I thought I’d update my TurboTax account.

launchbar's stupid demo period

January 2, 2008  💾 🤤

hide recently told me that he’d moved from Quicksilver to LaunchBar. I try to do whatever the Canadians do, since I hear they will soon be our new overlords. I figured I’d do what I do with most commercial software: download it and use it during its trial period until it became clear that it was worth the money, or until I was so irritated at it that I had to stop.

overexposure to stupid password policies makes rjbs something something

January 1, 2008  🔐 🤤

I really like 1Password. It’s a Mac app that does the “save my form information” really, really well, and does it with a Keychain-stored, cross-platform system. Now there’s my1Password, which lets you sync your password database to a web server. The server stores everything Blowfish-encrypted, and the encryption is only ever done client-side, so I can log in to the web site from another computer and my data will not be decrypted until it gets to the client-side JavaScript Blowfish implementation. I feel pretty good about it. Even without the online synchronization, though, I really like 1Password.

reasons to avoid zsh auto-correction

December 29, 2007  🤤
root@backup:/var/backup/mail# tar jcvf 200701.tar.bz2 200701   zsh: correct '200701.tar.bz2' to '200601.tar.bz2' [nyae]? 

nine months in, nine months out

December 18, 2007

Well, Martha has now been out in the atmosphere for a bit longer than half her life. She’s got four teeth out, and I’m pretty sure she’s working on two more. She’s back in a “I’m not really very interested in standing” phase, but I still think she’s going to start walking pretty soon. It’s hard to say whether she means anything specific when she says “dadadadda” or “mamamamama,” but it can still be cute – it’s certainly cuter than when she’s saying, “WAAAAAAUGH!”

all hail perl 5.10!

December 18, 2007  🐪

Today, Rafael Garcia-Suarez and the Perl 5 Porters released perl 5.10. This is totally fantastic. Perl 5.10 contains a whole lot of great new features, from small but helpful changes to error messages to new ways to scope variables and, well, all kinds of other stuff. I gave a talk about 5.10’s new features at PPW, and I look forward to getting to start using some of these features in production code ASAP.

hating on rating

December 4, 2007  📚 🐪

I am getting pretty darned sick of CPAN Ratings. They can be quite useful: I can see what modules people like or don’t like, and I can get an idea of why people like or don’t like my modules.

password security questions

December 1, 2007  🔐 🤤

RCN has been hassling me with automated phone calls to set up a new account password. If I don’t do that, apparently, I will never be allowed to discuss my account with them again. I don’t get it, but I just called in to set up my password.

email::folder woes (part n)

November 27, 2007  📧 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻 🤤

I mumbled something about Email::Folder hating me, today, but I was too busy to explain, and I promised that I’d write down my annoyances later. I’d love to fix these problems soon, but for now it’s easier to just grumble about them, and it will make me feel better.