email::sender::simple is brewing

May 15, 2009  📧 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

If I were going to was introspective, I’d say that one of my best and worst qualities is my love of designing something for ages before building it. I think it tends to make my end product better, but it also means that the product languishes. Right now, that’s the state of Email::Sender::Simple.

marrying dnd to perl

May 15, 2009  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻 ⚔️

I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons off and on since I was in elementary school. I remember my brother’s collection of carefully painted miniatures, although mostly I remember the ochre jelly. I’ve been writing computer programs for almost as long. Both hobbies have had large gaps in continuity, but they’re still things I like and things that get a lot of my time.

installing dropbox on cancer (debian)

May 4, 2009  🐪

I’ve been using Dropbox (that’s a referral link, but they’re free) for a good while now. It’s a online storage service that syncs folders online with other computers. Your file is local and in the cloud and on all your other synchronized computers. It is also very, very fast, and runs on Win32, OS X, and x86 Linux. I use it for a bunch of stuff, including synchronizing my notes on my D&D game.

my boot stomping on character builder's face, forever

May 3, 2009  🎲 ⚔️ 💾 🤤

I write software for a living, and because some of it powers publicly available services, I have real people bitching about it, so I try my best not to just rant furiously about software. I know there are people behind it.

version number automation, version 1.091200

April 30, 2009  🦖 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

I’ve pushed some changes to the Dist::Zilla repository to implement a simple first-pass at autonumbering of versions. After careful consideration – one might say pathological consideration – I have set the default format to x.yyDDD0 where x is an arbitrary integer, yyDDD is the two digit year and the three digit day of year and 0 is literal.

still obsessing over version numbers

April 29, 2009  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

I have been obsessing over how to number versions since I first started writing code for a living, around 2000. Nothing is satisfactory. I’d really like to make a decision and stick to it across all my code, and I’m pretty close to doing that.

talks submitted for yapc::na::2009

April 25, 2009  🐪

I really wanted to do some new talks this year, but no really spectacular new ideas seemed like good ones to promise. I think “Email Still Hates the Living!” will have to wait for next year. Instead, I submitted a new talk on Rx, a talk on various new email libraries released in the last year, and my long-threatened intro to git, “Git is Easy!”