rjbs versus Encode

December 8, 2011  📧 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

What a day! I kept really busy. I did some good (I think) refactoring of some libraries for sending transactional mail. I made a nice little improvement to our (on-CPAN) mail generator to make our Markdown-based messages look better in both plaintext and HTML. I deleted 36 obsolete fields from an annoyingly large table. I felt pretty productive.

on gold as experience

November 16, 2011  ⚔️

Old-school D&D rewards experience for treasure on a 1 GP = 1 XP basis. I stopped finding this horrible ages ago, and I think it makes plenty of sense, and don’t care whether any given DM wants to use or not use that rule.

noism's "Things Role Playing Bloggers Tend Not To Write About"

November 15, 2011  ⚔️

Am I a role-playing blogger? Yes, obviously in the strictest interpretation of the words, but do I get anybody following my blog’s feed mostly to see my write about RPGs? I don’t think so. I think anybody doing so is probably chased off by the technical posts… but there’s little to no chance I’m going to try maintaining two blogs. Blech.

the city of Alar is finally being explored

November 11, 2011  ⚔️

Absolutely ages ago, I decided I wanted to start running a second D&D game. I’ve been running a 4E game since January 2009, but we only play about once a month, and while I enjoy the game and the players, I find the infrequency of our play to be pretty unsatisfying.