I moved my blog to GitHub pages
In 2004 or so I wrote Rubric, which was initially intended to be a bookmark manager, and then I added notes to it, and then it very quickly became the software powering my blog. It’s pretty crufty under the hood, being built in CGI::Application, which was a nice web framework in 2004, but never really modernized in the ways I would’ve liked.
My deployment of Rubric was also a mess, running under FCGI for ages. I didn’t want to think about the various (minor?) security problems in Rubric. I just wanted to be able to write new blog posts without a hassle. Rubric made that possible, because I’d written a little program that would launch Vim, let me edit a post, and then would publish it.
On the other hand, I kept wanting to overhaul my blog to be something that wasn’t abandonware. (It doesn’t matter if I was the original author, it was still abandonware, because there was no way I was going to do any significant maintenance work!)
I made a few abortive attempts, over the last two years, to move to something else, mostly Zola, which we use at work, and which is fine. It wasn’t complicated, but it was just complicated enough that I needed friendly docs than I found in front of me.
Last week, I made another go, this time looking at GitHub Pages, which uses Jekyll. This seemed about equal in complexity, but I found Jekyll Now, a repo I could clone and edit to get started. I did that, and it has been just fine. It’s not perfect, but I feel pretty good about how quickly I got everything working. I definitely have a lot of semi-broken posts, and I’ll probably work on them over time, but it’s already just fine.
exporting my posts
I wrote a very mediocre program to dump my blog posts out of Rubric into something I could publish to Jekyll. I say “very mediocre”, but it got the job done and now I never need to run that program again, so maybe what I should say is “supremely successful”.
Here it is, in all its successful mediocrity:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.35.0;
use utf8;
use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::RFC3339;
use DBI;
use Path::Tiny;
my $date_fmt = DateTime::Format::RFC3339->new;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
{ sqlite_unicode => 1 },
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
FROM entries
AND body <> ''
my %seen;
my %map;
while (my $entry = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $name = $entry->{title};
# I regret nothing.
$name =~ s/Ⅰ/I/g;
$name =~ s/Ⅱ/II/g;
$name =~ s/Ⅲ/III/g;
$name = lc $name;
$name =~ s/'//g;
$name =~ s/\s+\K-(\d+)/minus $1/g;
$name =~ s/[^-a-z0-9]/-/g;
$name =~ s/-{2,}/-/g;
$name =~ s/^-//;
$name =~ s/-$//;
my $when = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $entry->{created});
my $rfc3339 = $date_fmt->format_datetime($when);
$name = substr($rfc3339, 0, 10) . "-$name";
if ($seen{$name}++) {
die "DUPE: $entry->{id} $name\n";
say "$entry->{id} $name";
my $path = path('jekyll')->child("$name.md");
my $title = $entry->{title};
$title =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$title =~ s/"/\\"/g;
my $body = $entry->{body};
$body =~ s/\x0d\x0a/\n/g;
# Actually, this ended up being a mistake. I thought it was good enough,
# but my use of leading whitespace for code blocks was very uneven, and
# sometimes this ended up making the code seem extra-indented.
# Over time, I'll update any posts I care about to move them to fenced
# code blocks with syntax highlighting.
$body =~ s/^ / /mg;
my @tags;
my $tag_rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q{SELECT * FROM entrytags WHERE entry = ?},
{ Slice => {} },
for my $tag_row (@$tag_rows) {
my $tag = $tag_row->{tag};
next if $tag =~ /\A@/; # Used for @markup:md generally.
next if $tag eq 'journal'; # Redundant?
# In Rubric, you can have a tag with a value, so if the tag is
# campaign:beyond, then the tag is "campaign" with the value
# "beyond", which is useful to filter by the tag at all, or just
# the tag with that value.
if ($tag eq 'campaign' && $tag_row->{tag_value}) {
$tag = "rpg-$tag_row->{tag_value}";
push @tags, $tag;
# Why does this say toml? Well, when this script was first written,
# it was for Zola, which uses TOML in the front matter.
my $tags_toml = q{};
if (@tags) {
$tags_toml = "\ntags : ["
. join(q{, }, map {; qq{"$_"} } @tags)
. "]";
my $content = <<~"END";
layout: post
title : "$title"
date : "$rfc3339"$tags_toml
$map{$entry->{id}} = $name;
my @duped = grep {; $seen{$_} > 1 } keys %seen;
if (@duped) {
warn "Saw more than one entry for...\n";
warn "- $_\n" for @duped;
die "Fix it!\n";
That sitemap.json
file, generated at the end, was there so I could set up
redirects from my old URLs to my new ones. I also took this opportunity to
move from rjbs.manxome.org
to rjbs.cloud
. Beyond being a slightly more fun
domain, it’s a lot easier to read outloud, when needed.
futzing with Jekyll
Of course, I couldn’t leave well enough alone and wanted to make the site look a bit different. I did just a few basic tweaks so far. My CSS skills are pathetic, but I’m happy with what I did to start. Joe, who knows what he is doing, gave me a tip or two on achieving what I wanted.
I will definitely continue to poke at the CSS.
The bigger thing, though, was the paginator. There’s a Jekyll pagination plugin, which I turned on, but I think it’s not built for somebody with a thousand blog posts. It wanted to show every single page:
I wanted something that would have previous and next, first and last, and then a range of pages around the current one. This wasn’t hard, per se, it was just stupid. Writing it required doing some arithmetic, but the template system available (Liquid) doesn’t really do arithmetic. I will elaborate.
You can’t write:
{% if x > y + 1 %}
If you do… honestly, I’m not sure what happens. There is no +
operator in
Liquid, but the above does not fail to compile. I would like to know more, but
I don’t want it enough to dig. Anyway, it turns out you have to do this,
{% assign y1 = y | plus: 1 %}
{% if x > y1 %}
I know this is not the greatest horror in the history of programming, but it’s a week later and I’m still grumbling. Sorry. The good news is that I got it working.
With that done, I spent some time looking at the formatting of code blocks. I went through a bunch of blog posts and switched to fenced code blocks with file types. I learned two things: First, I’d need to improve the color scheme being used. (I haven’t done that yet.) Second, the behavior you get when you suggest an unknown file type isn’t great.
For example, my post about solving the 24 game in
Forth has, you know, Forth code
in it. Unfortunately, if you give forth
as the file type, the block stops
being presented as a code block at all and looks really weird. I can probably
fix this, but it means that until then, I need to be careful about not casually
using non-handled file types.
Even if I went and implemented Forth highlighting (ha!), I don’t think it would really help. It would have to make it into GitHub’s platform, which probably takes a bunch of time to happen. The alternative, of course, is to use Jekyll but host the files myself. I think I’d rather suffer through unhighlighted Forth!
what’s next?
I don’t know.
This all came out of me taking some time off. I had too much leave piled up, and had to take some, and anyway it was a good idea to take some just to unwind. More than halfway through my week off, I realized that I hadn’t really done anything I felt good about. I tried to remember the various fun projects I’d had floating around in my head, and none came to me. This felt like a sign that I needed to work on taking more time off in general.
Anyway, one thing I did have in my todo list was a few (not very interesting) thoughts on future blog posts. This made me think I should just go ahead and fix my blog. I think it’s fixed enough for now, and I’m sure I’ll do more, but the next step is really “new content.”
Writing new stuff probably means doing new stuff, which sounds great, but I’ll need to do it. So, what’s really next is probably not so much playing with Jekyll as remembering all the other stuff I thought I might do, doing that, and then maybe blogging about it. Wish me luck!