PTS 2019: The PAUSE Test Suite (4/5)

All that Module::Faker and Getopt work was really in furtherance of PAUSE work. When I arrived in Marlow, I had been given just request by Neil: sort out PAUSE!320, a change in behavior we’ve been slowly getting right for years now.

PAUSE and case insensitivity

Once upon a time, the PAUSE index was case sensitive. Andreas König, the author and maintainer of PAUSE, says he’s not sure whether or not this was actually intentional. At any rate, it meant that if one person uploaded the package “Parse::PERL” and another uploaded “Parse::Perl”, the indexer would let them each have permissions on the name they uploaded. This is a problem because not all filesystems are case-sensitive. So a user might rely on Parse::PERL, install Parse::Perl, and then get bizarre errors when trying to use Parse::PERL in their code. The runtime, after all, does not verify that when you load the module Foo::Bar, it actually defines the package Foo::Bar. D’oh!

We’ve made various changes to address this problem, with the basic rule being that permissions are case-preserving and not case-sensitive. If you have permissions on Foo::Bar, then you also own foo::bar and FOO::BAR and foO::bAr and whatever else you like. The index and permissions data will show “Foo::Bar”, because that’s what you uploaded. Maintainers of the Foo::Bar namespace are free to rename it to fOO::BAr, if they want, by uploading a new distribution, but nobody else can sneak their way into the namespace.

This was basically implemented at last year’s PTS, but wasn’t deployed because it was broken in subtle ways. The fix was easy, once I worked out what the problem was, which required a bunch of testing. More on that shortly!

The upshot was that I did get the behavior changed successfully. Neil who had been working for years to eliminate all the case conflicts in the permissions list, had gotten things down to a few enough to count on one hand. With the bug fixed and the last few conflicts resolved, we believe we have ended the age of conflicting-case index entries. This was a nice milestone to reach. There was high-fiving, and Neil may have shed a single tear, though I couldn’t swear to it in court.

As an aside: you might be wondering, “Why didn’t you just put case-insensitive unique indexes in the database?” PAUSE’s indexer is sort of a strange beast, which simultaneously updates the database, analyzes the contents of uploads, and decides what to do as it goes along. Triggering a database error would jump past a lot of behavior, and we could’ve done it, but it felt saner to try to detect the problem. I have plans for the future to tease apart the indexer’s several behaviors.

testing PAUSE

In August 2011, David Golden and I got together in Brooklyn and began writing a test suite for the indexer. To be fair, a couple tests existed already, but they tested very, very few things. By just a bit before four in the afternoon on that day in 2011, David and I had a passing test that looked like this:

my $result = PAUSE::TestPAUSE->new({
  author_root => 'corpus/authors',

  -e $result->tmpdir->file(qw(cpan modules 02packages.details.txt.gz)),
  "our indexer indexed",

my $pkg_rows = $result->connect_mod_db->selectall_arrayref(
  'SELECT * FROM packages ORDER BY package, version',
  { Slice => {} },

my @want = (
  { package => 'Bug::Gold',      version => '9.001' },
  { package => 'Hall::MtKing',   version => '0.01'  },
  { package => 'XForm::Rollout', version => '1.00'  },
  { package => 'Y',              version => 2       },

  [ map {; superhashof($_) } @want ],
  "we indexed exactly the dists we expected to",

Further refinements would come, but many of the tests still look quite a lot like this. Note how it begins: we name an author_root This is a directory full of pretend CPAN uploads by pretend CPAN authors. Every file in the directory is copied into the test PAUSE, simulating an upload, and then the indexer is run. To understand these tests, you need to know what’s in that directory. It’s not just a matter of running ls, either. The directory contains tarballs, and those tarballs are more or less opaque unless you unpack them. Ugh. In this test, the contents were all entirely uninteresting, but in later tests, you’d end up wondering what was being tested. Something would import corpus/mld/009 and then assert that the index should look one way or another, rarely noting that one dist in the directory had strange properties known only at the time of test-writing.

To make matters worse, the tests were split into two files. In one, each tested behavior was tested with a distinct TestPAUSE, so no two tests would interact. In the other file, though, every behavior was tested on top of the tests for the previous test, resulting in a very cluttered test file in which the intent of any given test might be pretty hard to determine, especially when you’re reading it five years later.

Splitting those tests up so that each would use a distinct TestPAUSE wasn’t going to be difficult as a matter of programming, but it meant each one needed to be teased apart from the one before it, meaning its intent needed to be sussed out, which meant unpacking tarballs and reading their contents. I shook my fist and cried, “Never again!”

By 2019, test had changed so that rather than this:

my $result = PAUSE::TestPAUSE->new({
  author_root => 'corpus/authors',

You’d be likely to write:

my $pause = PAUSE::TestPAUSE->new;


my $result = $pause->test_reindex;

(This means you’d be able to later add more files, index again, and see what changed. Useful!)

To make the tests clearer, I added a new method, upload_author_fake:

$pause->upload_author_fake(JBLOE => {
  name     => 'Example-Dist',
  version  => '1.0',
  packages => [ qw(Example::Dist Example::Dist::Package) ]
  more_metadata => { x_Example => 'This is an example, too.' },

Hey, it’s using from_struct like we saw in my Module::Faker report from this PTS! Now you can always know exactly what is interesting about a fake. Sometimes, though, you don’t need an interesting fake, you just need totally boring dist to be uploaded. In those cases, now you can just write

$pause->upload_author_fake(JBLOE => 'Example-Dist-1.0.tar.gz');

…and Module::Faker will know what you mean.

With this tool available, and the new Module::Faker features to help produce weird distributions, I was able to rewrite the tests to be entirely isolated. I also deleted quite a few of the prebuilt tarballs from the corpus directory, but not all of them yet. One or two are a bit tedious to produce with Faker, and one or two others I just didn’t get to.

I look forward to replacing those, in part because I know it will mean cool improvements to Module::Faker, and in part because every time I make the test suite saner, I make it easier to get more people confident that they can write more PAUSE code.

Written on April 30, 2019
🐪 perl
🧑🏽‍💻 programming