I went to DCBPW!

This past weekend was the DC-Baltimore Perl Workshop in Silver Spring, Maryland, and I was in attendance! The venue was good, and the location was awesome, in downtown Silver Spring. Highlights, for me, included:

  • getting to see my family between conference events
  • Nick Patch’s talk on CLDR::Number
  • Philip Hood reintroducing me to pentominoes
  • catching up with Mo Chaudhry, whom I last saw in some southern airport
  • lamb tartare for lunch
  • really excellent roast chicken with fingerlings and kale

I gave the closing talk, and was happy with how it went, which was just a bit of a surprise, give how significantly I rewrote it, repeatedly, from my original plans. I was also pleased to finally get a shirt with the way-cool DCBPW logo on it:


Unfortunately, I vainly requested a large, which I’ve grown a bit out of again. Getting into my cool eaglecrab shirt is just one more thing to motivate me to get back down to 180.

I look forward to the next DC conference!

Written on May 7, 2014
🏷 dcbpw
🐪 perl