more YAPC stuff

I realized that I forgot to mention a bunch of stuff from YAPC. For one, I partook of “Lunch with a Perl Celebrity” and had lunch with Tommy Stanton, Andrew, Frew, and Geoff, followed by ice cream at the Chocolate Shoppe, which was great. I went there twice, and I would’ve gone there again if I was a little weaker-willed. I had some surprisingly good pizza from Ian’s with Paul Fenwick. Our D&D plans fell through, but that was okay because we hung out in the lobby and talked to whoever was around. I learned that the -b switch is better than -w for whitespace-ignoring diffs in git, most of the time. I found out that Steffen was an exchange student in Connecticut for a year and that Tom’s Wisconsin experiences were even weirder than I’d known. I saw Breno talk about Data::Printer, which looked really useful, except for the ugly-to-me defaults. I had a good discussion about “eating blood” in various world cultures, but tried not to let it run too long in deference to Dave Rolsky, who was sitting right there. I learned that the new big Unicode book is paperback and cheap (yay!) but not purple (boo!). I saw that one of my modules got its own badge ribbon, which made me feel inordinantly pleased. I got lunch at the Chicago airport at the Billy Goat tavern, which is where “cheezborger cheezborger no coke, pepsi” came from, more or less. I ate about a zillion mocha mousse cups and did my best to convince a few dieting people to try them too, despite their vows. Sorry. I got a few swag decks of cards from The Game Crafter, my favorite of which has a Perl Foundation-y onion on the reverse. I accidentally slept through the Thursday lightning talks. I had a really good garlic and plantain empanada. I saw two talks about exceptions, in which Throwable was mentioned, and felt like I should probably go look much harder for bugs in it before more people use it.

I had fun!

Written on June 26, 2012
🐪 perl
🏷 yapc