logging changes in Dist::Zilla were not complete
In short, there was just too much copy and paste. It wasn’t really trivial, either. Here’s an example of code that appeared in both Pod::Weaver::Role::Plugin and Dist::Zilla::Role::Plugin:
for my $method (qw(log log_debug log_fatal)) {
code => sub {
my ($self, @rest) = @_;
my $arg = _HASHLIKE($rest[0]) ? (shift @rest) : {};
local $arg->{prefix} = '[' . $self->plugin_name . '] '
. (defined $arg->{prefix} ? $arg->{prefix} : '');
$self->weaver->logger->$method($arg, @rest);
as => $method,
This is gross for a few reasons, but I think that its basic grossness should be obvious. I didn’t want anyone to have to copy this around. The replacement is really nice:
has logger => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
handles => [ qw(log log_debug log_fatal) ],
default => sub {
proxy_prefix => '[' . $_[0]->plugin_name . '] ',
We say, “I’m a plugin of something with a logger. If I need to log anything, I’ll ask for a proxy to that logger, and my proxy will have a custom prefix.”
This proxy is a Log::Dispatchouli::Proxy, which closely emulates much of
Log::Dispatchouli, but with some bits localized and some bits off limits. For
example, that proxy_prefix
can’t be changed after the fact, but we could turn
debugging on or off without affecting the parent logger.
Because I’m using proper delegation again, I can make things lazy again, and I can make it easy to tweak the behavior of one plugin for testing purposes.
This logging work has taken more time than I expected, but I think it will really pay dividends. I hope to get the new logging code documented and all the relevant updates deployed to the CPAN tomorrow. For now, I’m beat and I’m going to bed.