Behold! The first useful Dist::Zilla test...
I’ve made a rough checklist of all the things I need to write proper tests for. This will only get me unit tests, and integration tests will then be an ongoing effort, due to the many possible configurations I will want to test for.
I’m sure that Dist::Zilla::Tester will change a bit over the next few weeks, but it’s good enough already that the following test file works, was easy to write, and is easy to read and understand:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.88;
use Dist::Zilla::Tester;
my $dist_ini = <<'END_INI';
name = DZT-Sample
abstract = Sample DZ Dist
version = 0.001
author = E. Xavier Ample <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = E. Xavier Ample
[AllFiles / ExtraFiles]
root = ../corpus/extra
prefix = bonus
my $tzil = Dist::Zilla::Tester->from_config(
{ dist_root => 'corpus/DZT' },
add_files => {
'source/dist.ini' => $dist_ini,
'source/.profile' => "Bogus dotfile.\n",
'corpus/extra/.dotfile' => "Bogus dotfile.\n",
callbacks => [ ],
also_copy => { 'corpus/extra' => 'corpus/extra' },
[ sort map {; $_->name } @{ $tzil->files } ],
[ sort qw(
bonus/subdir/index.html bonus/vader.txt
dist.ini lib/DZT/ t/basic.t
) ],
"AllFiles gathers all files in the source dir",
Now, just about 75 more test files to write…
Written on March 15, 2010