email::folder woes (part n)

I mumbled something about Email::Folder hating me, today, but I was too busy to explain, and I promised that I’d write down my annoyances later. I’d love to fix these problems soon, but for now it’s easier to just grumble about them, and it will make me feel better.

To print all threads in a maildir, very naively, I might write something like this:

my $maildir = Email::Folder->new('./Maildir/');

while (my $email = $maildir->next_message) {
  my $subject = $email->header('subject');
  next if $subject =~ /^re:/i;
  print "$subject\n";

Great! There are all the non-reply subjects, more or less. They’re not in order, though, and I want to see them in order. Email::Folder’s iterator is not ordered, and there is no uniform way to request that it be ordered. To get messages in order, we’ll need to get them all and then sort. That’s not such a bad obstacle, really.

my $maildir = Email::Folder->new('./Maildir/');

# the sort isn't interesting
my @emails = sort { ... } $maildir->message;

for my $email (@emails) {
  my $subject = $email->header('subject');
  next if $subject =~ /^re:/i;
  print "$subject\n";

Now, the problem here is that we’ve now loaded every email at once. They’re loaded as Email::Simple objects, which means the entire message content is loaded into memory at once, so if I had a huge maildir, I now have a huge perl process.

Email::Folder provides a bless_message method, which is used to create the Email::Simple objects. Each time the Email::Folder object’s next_message method is called, the Email::Folder::Reader (subclassed for the storage medium) gets the message content from the underlying storage and returns it as a string. Email::Folder then passes it to bless_message, which by default passes it to Email::Simple. It’s being passed around as a string, meaning that we’re copying the full text of each (possibly huge) message a few times before returning the object and throwing away the raw string.

It would be easy to make the Maildir reader return filehandles, but bless_message also needs to be replaced to handle them. Then the problem is that if you try to do this:

my $folder = Email::Folder::MessagesFromFH->new('mbox');

…you will be hosed, because you will get a Email::Folder::Mbox, which reads messages out as strings. You need to either write a bless_message that handles strings and filehandles, or you need to override new to prevent anything that won’t use the right reader.

All I wanted to do was implement a cooler version of frm!

Hopefully I will wake up fresh in the morning and feel energized to actually do something constructive, rather than just whine.

Written on November 27, 2007
📧 email
🐪 perl
🧑🏽‍💻 programming
🤤 stupid