
The flight home was actually not bad at all, except for the too-small seat. I watched the second half of the The Office special, and it was very good. I watched Starsky and Hutch, and it a lot funnier than I’d expected. I watched part of The Demonic Ape, a documentary about chimpanzee violence, until the entertainment system was turned off. It was good, too. I played a bunch of Mario and Luigi, completing the beanstar and levelling up a few times. I’m afraid it will soon be coming to and end, though.

The flight was long, but painless, and I got through customs and immigration quickly. Gloria picked me up, and there was much rejoicing. We chatted on the trip home, catching up on chatting that didn’t occur while I was gone, and then had waffles. My waffle was really good.

As you can tell by my stunning account of the day’s events, I’m starting to grow tired, and should probably sleep. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have thought of more to say.

Written on June 6, 2004