journal for 2004-02-29

leap day weekend

In celebration of Leap Day, we invited Bryan up for the weekend. We drove down to Philly on Friday, had dinner with some of his friends, and then cruised back. We sat around and talked for a while, then crashed.

Saturday, we played some video games, and I forced Bryan to play Ico for a while, hoping that he would be convinced that it’s a must-own. I gave him a $5 tour of packages and class inheritance in Perl, which was the supposed justification for the trip, kind of. That done with, we got some ice cream, and I renewed my library card. The librarian wanted me to produce ID with my current address, but I couldn’t, so she called directory assistance to get the information. It was weird, because it took them ages to give her the info. Once I got the new card and paid my $13 in ancient fines, though, I found that the book I wanted was checked out. I suppose I can reserve it, now that I have a card. (It’s Design Patterns, by the way.)

Gloria was out for a lot of the day; she was at the Red Cross, getting certified to perform CPR and use a defibrillator. I was pretty psyched for her, since this is the first step in her quest to get to do fitness instruction. Needless to say, she did well and got herself a little piece of paper saying she can thump people in the chest if they’re dying.

After a whole mess of Bushido Blade playing, we all went out and saw The Passion of the Christ. More on that later…

We went for dinner at Sal’s, but they were crowded, so we went to Bridge Works. This was a mistake, I think, but Bryan picked up the tab, so it worked for me. Before we went home, we stopped at Hollywood Video and picked up The Last Starfighter and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Guys had given me a hard time about not having seen Last Starfighter, so it seemed like a good idea. In fact, it was a good idea. I liked it.

Bryan, who self-medicated himself with Nyquil at the beginning of the movie, fell asleep halfway into it. Gloria made it to the end, I think, or at least close. I figured we weren’t about to watch Chainsaw Massacre after that, so we turned in. Bryan was unwakeable, but before I fell asleep I heard him moving around, so I guess he woke up and decided the airbed was more comfortable than the floor.

This morning, Gloria made gingerbread waffles with cinnamon chips. They were more like gingerbread than like waffles—I say this merely to explain, not to impune the breakfast. It was, truth be told, a fine way to start the day. I’m not sure if I liked them more with or without maple syrup. I think dipping them in milk would’ve been the better bet.

Bryan and I played a lot more Bushido Blade, and then we watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It started out pretty well, and I thought I was going to like it a lot. Somewhere along the way, though, it just lost the plot. How disappointing. There was some more game-playing, this time in the form of icehouse games. After that, we foraged for some cheetos, which were eaten while we watched Winged Migration, one of Gloria’s current Netflix rentals. It was quite good, and ranged from the awesome to the awesomely disturbing.

After the movie, Bryan packed up and we hit Golden Gate for a quick dinner. I had a bacon cheeseburger, and it was good. We dumped Bryan at the bus terminal and headed home via Hollywood. I’d picked up an extra XBX controller in case we wanted to play Halo, but we never opened it, so I returned it and picked up Disgaea, which mdxi has said is totally rad.

That’s all I have to say for now. I’ll write about Passion of the Christ tomorrow, I think.

Written on February 29, 2004