
I give thanks for Thankgiving! It rules!

Seriously, it’s almost certainly my favorite holiday of the year. Family hangs out, food is eaten, and it’s good. Then there are leftovers. Also, while Christmas has presents, I think sometimes they become a big pain, rather than a nice little gesture. I’ll blame Corporate America for now.

Anyway, Thanksgiving 2003 ruled. The turkey was awesome, the stuffing was awesome, the pie was awesome, the beans were awesome, and other things were awesome, too. I’ve eaten a few pieces of the leftover turkey already, and it makes me happy. I think there is no greater food than leftover Thanksgiving turkey! As Thanksgiving nears, every year, I start to wonder that I’ve just built up cold turkey and that I won’t like it as much as I remember liking it. This year, I was overjoyed to find that I really do like it that much. Joy!

I’ve been playing BZFlag, a totally sweet free game. It’s like BattleZone (the old tank combat game) but with slightly more modern graphics (simple OpenGL stuff) and a lot of wackiness. mdxi set up a server, and it is Fine. We’re trying to recruit players and hoping we can play CTF on it sometime.

Written on November 28, 2003