where are all my secret characters?
September 30th was chock full of Mario Golf. I played 54 holes of tournament mode, followed by a few holes of ring target. Later that night, some friends came over and we played nine holes of multiplayer and nine of doubles and then some of the coin challenge. I may have played some more holes that I can’t remember, too.
I think I played a fair amount of golf. The net unlockage of secrets was two courses. I want more stuff! After all these holes, I still haven’t seen a warp pipe or a chain chomp or anything Weird and Wacky on the links. I want the Mushroom Kingdom to start messing up my golf game! I want to golf as Shy Guy and Bob-omb and Boo!
The game is still superfun as an irreverent technicolor golf game, but I’m starting to get frustrated. I think I was spoiled by Super Smash Brothers. It had a dozen hidden characters, unlockable levels, play modes, and all kinds of crazy stuff. I started off unlocking the easy stuff and honed my skills until I’d unlocked all the important stuff and lots of the silly little things. I’m even OK with the fact that there’s silly stuff I’ll never get – like the Lon Lon Milk trophy.
Why can’t I get chain chomps in Mario Golf?
Lately, it’s like every game has unlockable content. Why isn’t more of it easy to get? This rant may be continued shortly in an update on SCAL2, in which I also want to do some unlocking…