journal for 2003-01-21
richard iii
John came by and we all watched Richard III. What a fine movie!
Elizabeth: Shall I be tempted of the devil thus?
Glouster: Ay, if the devil tempt thee to do good.
Gloria retired shortly after the movie, and John and I played some Typing of the Dead and shot the breeze. Good game for multiplayer. It needs a better keyboard, though.
I’ve officially “filed my intent” to participate in IntroComp, XYZZYNews’ competition to write the beginning to an IF game. I’ve got the framework built, but I need to get to a certain point in the set-up before I can even consider it kinda ready.
It’s kind of a rip-off of my first abortive attempt at nanowrimo, but I think it has more potential, since I can goof around a little more.
Work is building up strangely, lately. More large-scale systems are being proposed and sketched, but I feel like getting them implemented is going to be a very daunting task for just me. I know I can conscript some of the other employees to certain extents, but very few of them have any proficiency in the languages that will be used to construct our new systems.
I need to convince the current engineering staff that Perl is The Right Thing for them to use for their practical extraction and reporting. I mean, look at the bloody backronym!