I moved my blog to GitHub pages

March 5, 2022  📕

In 2004 or so I wrote Rubric, which was initially intended to be a bookmark manager, and then I added notes to it, and then it very quickly became the software powering my blog. It’s pretty crufty under the hood, being built in CGI::Application, which was a nice web framework in 2004, but never really modernized in the ways I would’ve liked.

I closed a lot of browser tabs

August 8, 2021  🧑🏽‍💻

I am widely admired at work for my ability to have many, many browser tabs open. (That, at least, is what I take from the frequent shouts of “holy cow, man, look at your browser!”) Nonetheless, I have long thought that it would be worth getting my total tab count down. I have tabs open for a bunch of reasons.

what CPAN code did I install when?

July 3, 2021  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

When I upgrade my perl, which I do pretty often, the first thing I do is install Task::BeLike::RJBS (by running cpanm rjbs). This installs most of the stuff I’m going to need to do my normal work. Over time, I tend to find that it needs an update, because over the course of the last year or so I started using some new libraries that didn’t get into the bundle. (This will happen less now that I’m using the monthly blead snapshots day to day again, but it’s a real thing.)

adding the perl-support section to my CPAN modules

July 2, 2021  📚 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

I have quite a few Perl software libraries available on the CPAN. I’ve written these at different points over the last twenty years, but almost all of them, until pretty recently, were written to support perl v5.8, which was released about 18 years ago. Perl v5.10 took almost four years to come out after v5.8. It had some teething problems, and then v5.12 took another three years.

my git branch manager

June 13, 2021  🔀 🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

Like a lot of people, I have not been great at cleaning up my old git branches over time. Sometimes they get merged but I don’t delete them. (The “delete branch after merge” option in GitLab and GitHub help, but they’re not 100%). Sometimes I forget I even had a branch, because I never filed a pull request. Also, with all those already-merged branches lying around, it’s easy to overlook the not-even-requested branches, especially if I haven’t touched them in a while.

I took some time off!

August 12, 2019

With a lot of PTO hours piled up, leave accounting somewhat in flux at work, and MoMA incredibly closed until October, I resolved to take some time off from work, during which I would stay home and work on stuff that I’d been ignoring. For example, my big queue of “conference presentations to watch” and my backlog of articles to read, personal coding projects to poke at, some little quality-of-life fixes to my home setup. Then, of course, I also wanted to do some actually fun things: hang out with my family, have some nice meals, watch some movies, go to a museum or two, and so on.

drawing (but not generating) mazes

May 6, 2019  🧑🏽‍💻

I’ve started a sort of book club here in Philly. It works like this: it’s for people who want to do computer programming. We pick books that have programming problems, especially language-agnostic books, and then we commit to showing up to the book club meeting with answers for the exercises. There, we can show off our great work, or ask for help because we got stuck, or compare notes on what languages made things easier or harder. We haven’t had an actual meeting yet, so I have no idea how well this is going to go.

PTS 2019: I went to the Perl Toolchain Summit! (index)

April 30, 2019  🐪 🧑🏽‍💻

Once again, it is spring in the northern hemisphere, and so time for the Perl Toolchain Summit, aka the QA Hackathon. I’ve made it to most of these, and have usually found them to be productive and invigorating. Everybody shows up with something to do, most of the people you need to help you are there, and everybody is interested in what everybody else is doing and will offer good feedback, advice, or just expressions of appreciation (or sympathy, as the case may require).